We briefly interrupt this blog post to bring you the following pep talk ...
Following on the heels of my recent post where I talk about what I've learned in the past 10 years of being in this field, I want to take a moment to reflect on some of the points that have been consistent along my journey.
I heard it mentioned by a great tv minister that more often than not we go through "seasons" of discomfort as a means of sharpening our edges; that we are tested as a way of building character and getting stronger. Too often I have found myself in situations where I've been tasked with doing something I was unfamiliar with or that was outside my skillset. Most of the time, this has worked out. Sometimes though, this has failed spectacularly.
In another broadcast, there was a mention about our path in life and where we are supposed to be. My take-away at the conclusion of this broadcast was that I am where I am at because it was ordained by a higher power. Having been through a series of layoffs, terminations, forced resignations, and what-not was the will of the divine providence guiding me from the place where I should not be to the place where I belong. I want to believe this is true as it explains my career path thus far. But I also have to recognize my own faults in contributing to the many "changes in employment states."
No matter what new opportunity presents itself, I often apply some choice words I want to impart with you, my reader:
Slow Down!
- Take a minute to be grateful for where you are, even when it feels like you would rather be somewhere else
- When assigned a task, take time to re-read what is being asked and "grok" what is being asked before you dive in
- Quiet any linger pangs of doubt or insecurity ... you got this!!
- Avoid Unnecessary Distractions
- Stay on task and never lose sight of what is most important
Stay Aware of your skills
.. be mindful of what you do and don't know- Recognize you don't know everything and you have to know your limits
- Do not put up a front like you know what you are talking bout ... if you don't know, its ok
- Set proper goals and stick to them .. don't loaf
- Get yourself organize with a task list
- Remember to set up a plan for any endeavor (Development, Testing, Working out, etc.)
- If you intend to say something, say it with tact
- If you intend to do something, do it with all your heart, or don't do it at all
- Be at your best each and every day
- Bloom where you are planted .. be so good you can't be ignored
- Give 100% in all things, in all ways
- You are never to declare you are done until the thing you have set out to do is consistent and to spec, or you just cause headaches all around
Thank You! We now resume with your regularly scheduled blog post
Work on thinking through problems (not letting project pressures disrupt that process)