Saturday, May 27, 2023

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday May 26, 2023

Highlights for the week

Another short post. Not a lot to report on the security testing front as I seem to be blocked by my VM. I've run out of space and can't seem to find a viable solution outside of going the full nuclcear option - rebuilding the VM with Kali. Gonna re-try one last time. Did spend some time with QA Stuff and learned Playwright with python. It's crazy-fast.

What We Loved

  1. Getting to wake up, workout, be healthy, and surrounded with loved ones is always a blessing.
  2. Finally got the IRS money they debited from me last month. That monkey is off my back.
  3. 1 glorious payment left on my student loan and I'll be debt free.

What We Learned

  1. Network+ - Kept it simple and learned about organization policies. A few handful of modules left and I'll be done. Maybe I'll take a practice exam.
  2. Security+ - Learned a bit about Cloud Architecture and virtualization. Once Network+ is done, I'll double-my efforts.
  3. TCM Pentesting - blocked at the set up. Will potentially rebuild the VM, or create a new one. Thinking the latter is the viable option.
  4. Cult*ure - Working through Chapter-9. I keep adding to it, changing some details, but not making progress yet. The muse is a demanding mistress!

What We Longed For

  1. As always, more time!

What We Loathed

  1. Nothing other than the job market for tech absolutely f&@#$! sucks. 9 months and no better than I was before.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday May 19, 2023 (Late Ed.)

Highlights for the week

Another week came and went and not a lot got done. Officially at the 9 month mark of unemployment. Clearly something isn't working that it's been this long without so much as several rounds of interviews and/or an offer. It's actually making me question my entire career path. On the flip side, it's afforded me the luxury of skilling up and working on my book.

What We Loved

  1. Made it to another round of interviews at JOB-A, and got a second recruiter contact me for JOB-B
  2. Close to done with Network+. Not planning to take the certification exam. I should quiz myself

What We Learned

  1. Network+ - Completed the module on Network Operations
  2. Security+ - Completed the module on Security Architecture. Stared on TCM Pentester Course
  3. Automation - Nothing this week. On deck is mobile, and strongly considering Playwright with Python
  4. Cult*ure - Finally wrapped up Chapter 8. Started on Chapter 9 .. need to get more disciplined with my writing. It's too much fun.

What We Longed For

  1. More time and a paycheck

What We Loathed

  1. Code Challenges. Love them and hate them.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday May 12, 2023

Highlights for the week

Not a lot happened this week. While I did sign up for an amazing Pen Testing Course w. Kali Linux, it was a busy week for personal tasks unrelated to studies. I do plan to get back to my book this weekend, as well as regroup on the priorities. In other news, had a decent interview for a job I barely want. Had an immediate disposition for a job I DID want :( such is life. Creeping in on 9 months and it doesn't feel good anymore

What We Loved

  1. Got a lot more resources for Pen Testing and API testing.
  2. Made a couple of connections. Have a couple of meetings next week.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday May 5, 2023 - Coronation Edition (late)

Highlights for the week

Apologies for the lateness of my post. I was away from keyboard most of the weekend and no amount of writing got done. On Saturday, England crowned their new king - King Charles III - a historic and spectacular event. I legitimately got the chills from just how momentous the entire event was. A nice destraction from my near nine months of unemployment.

What We Loved

  1. Seeing the coronation
  2. Spending some quality time with the wife just walking and hanging out

What We Learned

  1. Network+ - made great progress (almost done)
  2. Security+ - steady progress. Once Net+ is done, we'll double our efforts
  3. Burp Suite - finished a good majority of the training labs. Learned a ton
  4. Automation Practice - Finished API practice in python (yatzee!); have mobile automation working for Java and JS (double yatzee!)
  5. Cult-ure: Have parsed chapter 8 in half. Need to make time for this more now that Burp Suite is done
  6. Came up with ideas for another book .. lots to think about
  7. Its possible my resume is hurting my career .. or maybe I just suck

What We Longed For

  1. A new job. While I'm not freaking about about the near-nine, I'm frustrated with the entire process

What We Loathed

  1. Recruiters not calling as much
  2. Unemployment