Friday, October 11, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday October 11, 2024 - "Collab, So Fab" Ed.

Highlights for the week

Another fun week in the bag. Spent my work week neck-deep in overhauling my job's internal documentation. Overall, it was a labor of love. In the process, I got to read about how things get truly done and learned some new things. Most importantly, I'm filling in the blanks regarding Network Pen Testing, an area I know I'm lacking.

The CISSP Chapters are long and tedious. Not hard, but definitely not totally easy. It comes down to a lot of information to absorb.

What We’re Grateful For

  1. I love that I GET to have a job where I can collaborate with great people and learn new things.
  2. I love that I GET to study for a certification. Its tough finding time and energy, but its awesome nonetheless!
  3. I love that I GET to see my family happy. We're in the hole financially, but digging ourselves out with big shovels.

What We Loved

  1. Loving the job more and more.

What We Learned

  1. All things CISSP. Need to manage my time more effectively, but I'm squeezing what I can when I can.

What We Longed For

  1. More time. Getting up at 5am to work out has proven beneficial .. when I wake up.

What We Loathed

  1. Nothing loathesome except reddit posts that are at best, low effort.

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