Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lesson Learned: QA is NOT a verb !!

Dear Non-QA Managers, Analysts, and readers alike:

I wish to discuss the following pet peeve with the following scenario:
  • Mgr: "Hi Team, I have a project that needs to be QA'd by end-of-day today. Whom can I assign for this?"
QA testers look to each other in wonderment, asking what is this "QA'd " word they speak of?

1. QA - the initials for Quality Assurance
2. Quality Assurance (v) - the act of ensuring the product / service is in compliance with the proposed scope of work, performs as expected, is approved by the Client, and fulfills the intent for users.

A project is not expected to be "QA'd" any more than planning it is to be "PM'd". I cringe a little when I hear it, but its become a buzz word synonymous with "tested".

I do apologize if this comes off petty, but I wanted to share my pet peeve as an Analyst serving at the behest of others. That, and the industry buzz words, like " Going Forward ".

What is your pet peeve? I'd love to read about it.


  1. someone think QA as a "check\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"

  2. After my last QA employment, "Going Forward" will always have a funky taste on my tongue.
