Sunday, June 11, 2023

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday June 9, 2023

Highlights for the week

Lot's of interesting things happened this week, none having to do with landing a new job.
The first thing: As I write this, there are wildfires in Canada that span the breadth of the territory which caused a massive amount of smoke to waft across the upper-half of the United States. New York had poor air quality, with Tuesday and Wednesday being the worst. It looked like something out of the apocalypse.
The second thing: Disclosure of top-secret documents relating to the existence of UFOs/UAPs. Turns out there are sections of the US Government that are in possession of alien space technology and have come in contact with beings from another planet.
The third thing: the former President of the United States was indicted on 37 counts of espionage. It doesn't look good.

What We Loved

  1. In my last blog post, I mentioned the TCM Course. After moving through most of the module, I wound up filling up all 20GB of storage and got locked out. Loved that I was able to rebuild the VM (again!) and make progress. Need to re-do the lesson on Fuzzing Word Press login

What We Learned

  1. Network+ - Lots of trouble shooting (Hardware / Software). I'm at the end
  2. Security+ - Architecture & Design | Authentication & Authorization
  3. TCM - Fuzzing Wordpress Authentication w. ZAP
  4. Cult.ure - Inching my way through Chapter 9. Need to get disciplined
  5. Personal - Forgot to declutter the books. Will make it a priority this week

What We Longed For

  1. A good job with good people doing cool things

What We Loathed

  1. UNEMPLOYMENT (creeping on 10 months)

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