Highlights for the week
What is AshuraA voluntary fast-day observed by the Mohammedans on the 10th day of the month Muharram.
As you can surmise by the subtle Android logo, this week was focused on Android, both the application development and automation process. Spent a good part of last week and this week focused on automation in Espresso with Kotlin. Even learned how to build an app with Kotilin. Next week, more of that.
Security testing with Pen Test process is making great headway. Spent a good portion of time learning how to use zap with automation. This week, so looking forward to the walk-thru.
Also, I was sick the better part of the week, so not a lot of progress made in Sec+
What We Loved
- Interviewed at a rapid pace at my target company of choice. I have a great feeling, but the grind of looking for another job persists until I sign an offer letter.
- TCM is phenomenal!!
- Mentoring - I didn't think I was going to like it as much as I do.
What We Learned
- Database Testing - Done. Not spending too much time learning to do triggers.
- Security+ - Paused! Read about FedRamp / StateRamp
- TCM - Learned a bit about Automating the requests for security vulns.
- Automation - Android Espresso / Kotilin .. #1 focus for now and the months to come.
What We Longed For
- A job, pay, and benefits!! About to hit a 11 months. If something doesn't happen by Mid-August, the money will officially be run out.
What We Loathed
- Unemployment!