Friday, May 31, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday May 31, 2024 - "Prayers Answered (somewhat)" Ed.

Highlights for the week

Big time highlight of the week: Landed 3rd round for a consulting company in lower NYC. Finance industry, great pay, great people, doing something awesome! Let's not f** this up!

What We’re Grateful For

  1. Grateful for a wonderful family .. as always.
  2. Grateful to have the means to make it another month with the bills paid.
  3. Grateful for Slack and network connections. This lead to a new job opportunity {all appendages crossed!}.

What We Loved

  1. Mentee (France) has strong PM/BA experience; amazing culture regarding Indian marital customs.
  2. Mentee (US) has reached A+ status; progressing with GRC.

What We Learned

  1. Cybrary - SQL injection w/o using SQLMap - enumerating site with union select.
  2. Playwright w. Python security framework is progressing nicely.
  3. Playwright w. Javascript -- must practice.
  4. Burp Suite - Race Conditions: paused.
  5. "Husb ..." back on with another exciting chapter.

What We Longed For

  1. As always ... a decent paycheck. 17 months of unemployment is no way to live life.

What We Loathed

  1. Ghost jobs! Literally the worst thing ever is seeing a job you know you can do and not hear back from recruiters.

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