Friday, June 7, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday June 7th, 2024 - "Tech Interview Fears Conquored" Ed.

Highlights for the week

So this week was the tech interview and boy-howdie! how I prepared. I got on the code path and just went at it daily. As much as I prepared, I was still nervous the night before. On the day of, I was a little anxious, more so because of how much it mattered and not for how I was going to do. Interviewers were pleasant and cool people.

How I think I did on the tech interview:

  1. Overall: B+
  2. Attitude: A
  3. Aptitude: B

What I did right:

  1. Overall, I was proud of myself for overcoming my fears and ineptitude and doing well with the coding exercises
  2. I demonstrated understanding of some core concepts
  3. I spoke at length of tech. arch., and testing principles
  4. I was asked about security and did the best I could not to ramble

Where I should have done better:

  1. I got asked to sketch out a web architecture and mapped out an e-commerce app. It could have been better
  2. I have no bkgd in FinTech so that might be points against
  3. I needed to have spent more time understanding the "why" of feature to code tests better (missed the copy that showed a formula that was part of the output
  4. Page objects were not declared properly - I use POM and there were errors thrown with how I declared them in the test
  5. I jumped right into the code without really understanding the scope of the feature .. but it worked to my advantage since the tech issues impacted time
  6. I was asked about using Cucumber and expressed my opinion on it as "cumbersome" which might be a strike since its what is used for the backend

What We’re Grateful For

  1. Grateful that I am healthy and capable
  2. Grateful that I get to have a roof over my head, a full 'fridge, and a loving home
  3. Grateful for a wonderful wife, son, and family
  4. Grateful for the opportunity to make it to the tech interview of a potential great employer

What We Loved

  1. Preparation for the tech interview. Did as well as I could

What We Learned

  1. Cybrary - learned a few new techniques with Pen Testing for SQL Injection; On to LFI
  2. Royal Security Pen Test - "paused" .. the priority was the job interview!
  3. Automation w. Appium - coded a few tests for android
  4. Automation w. Playwright/JS - several tests for different components to help practice for interview
  5. "Husb ..." - new chapter leading up to a major conflict; 2 new 'sisters' and origins .. fun!
  6. Burp Suite - Race Condition: paused! Shall resume this weekend, or next week
  7. Been practicing hackerrank for fun .. and as a way of overcoming my incompetence {GET SOME!}

What We Longed For

  1. As always, a good job, with good pay and benefits, working with cool people, doing cool things [Consultancy feels like the right move!]

What We Loathed

  1. Anxiety and overlooking the obvious because of nerves

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