Developers ... There is such a thing, let me explain!
Dear Devs,
When a Quality Assurance Analyst / Engineer / Tester is tasked with testing your app / site, our objective is two-fold: we look to ensure it does what its supposed to do (functionality, performance, esthetics, etc.) and what its not (ie, crash, UI fail, etc.) to do.
Once in a while, by chance, skill, luck, or imagination, a defect will be reported that is equal parts exciting and educational.
The a-ha bug!
The excitement of the "a-ha bug" comes from the idea that it makes the project (app / site) better. It is the kind of issue one tester was insightful to find when everyone else overlooked it. It moves up the chain to the Project Manager and invites a conversation with the Client as to the best course of action.
I was recently on a project where a Tester found a really great issue for an iOS app. It was the kind of issue that was creative in its method educational in its resolution. We were to go back to the Client to ask as to best way to solve this.
I was recently on a project where a Tester found a really great issue for an iOS app. It was the kind of issue that was creative in its method educational in its resolution. We were to go back to the Client to ask as to best way to solve this.