Highlights for the week
Another short post. Not a lot to report on the security testing front as I seem to be blocked by my VM. I've run out of space and can't seem to find a viable solution outside of going the full nuclcear option - rebuilding the VM with Kali. Gonna re-try one last time. Did spend some time with QA Stuff and learned Playwright with python. It's crazy-fast.
What We Loved
- Getting to wake up, workout, be healthy, and surrounded with loved ones is always a blessing.
- Finally got the IRS money they debited from me last month. That monkey is off my back.
- 1 glorious payment left on my student loan and I'll be debt free.
What We Learned
- Network+ - Kept it simple and learned about organization policies. A few handful of modules left and I'll be done. Maybe I'll take a practice exam.
- Security+ - Learned a bit about Cloud Architecture and virtualization. Once Network+ is done, I'll double-my efforts.
- TCM Pentesting - blocked at the set up. Will potentially rebuild the VM, or create a new one. Thinking the latter is the viable option.
- Cult*ure - Working through Chapter-9. I keep adding to it, changing some details, but not making progress yet. The muse is a demanding mistress!
What We Longed For
- As always, more time!
What We Loathed
- Nothing other than the job market for tech absolutely f&@#$! sucks. 9 months and no better than I was before.