Highlights for the week
Finally got around to completing the module for Digital Forensics. It took retaking the test a couple of times, but I was happy with the module overall. So looking forward to the scripting module next week. I've also chipped away at the Pen Test for a practice site. Son's birtday is tomorrow .. he's closer to adulthood. Where does the time go!
Things are going to get squirrly next month if I don't land a job. March finances are covered, but April will be problematic if I don't land something NOW!
What We Loved
- See "highlights ..." pretty much sums it up
What We Learned
- Playwright (Autom.) - Started on automating basic scenarios for "The Book Store", somethign about clicking the title isn't working (m'eh)
- Coursera Security Basics - It's a wrap with Digital Forensics. On to the final module "Scripting"
- Pen Testing - Near-complete with testing the site. Might leverage what's on the spreadsheet to finish next week
- Cult.ure - Paused; "Husb.." is nearing the final act
What We Longed For
- As always, another week w/o job leads
What We Loathed
- TesterWork having to fight for obvious issues. The payout was trivial for the 1 bug they did accept.
- Sometimes I forget to read the room and display a lack of empathy for others. I was raised to be tough and keep it moving, others want to rant w/o a fix
- Feeling like a failure is really starting to weigh on me. This whole unemployment situation has got to change