Sunday, July 21, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday July 19, 2024 - "Critical Failure Imminent" Ed.

Highlights for the week

The Good! Applied to a job via referal from slack - fingers crossed. Signed up to bug bounties and hoping to get started with that.

The Bad! Former president nearly got shot, current president is sick with COVID, and on Friday a near-global outage occurred caused by a cybersecurity EDR impacting Microsoft Windows users. Personally speaking: below $200 from being broke, zero job response, needing to borrow from son for some bills; rent will be late.

The Ugly! Spouse remains extremely pissed; thinking this time we're done done. Had to chase after a restaurant job I'm not too proud to take (no word). Had a moment where I broke down and cried; it's bad, losing the job and partner.

What We’re Grateful For

  1. Still kickin' it
  2. Still have food in the fridge
  3. Still have a roof over our heads

What We Loved

  1. The kindness of strangers sending me a referral to a great job
  2. Friends reaching out .. its always good to have people looking out

What We Learned

  1. Pen Testing (1) - Altoro - Finished pen test
  2. Pen Testing (2) - About to start bug bounties
  3. U-Test - Finished First U-Test cycle; as expected had to push back on a ticket. A 2nd one is on-deck.
  4. GraphQL - Dragging ass with GraphQL
  5. API tests in Security Repo - in progress
  6. "Husb ..." near the epic showdown

What We Longed For

  1. A good job; good pay/benefits; good people

What We Loathed

  1. Being blamed for something that is entirely not my fault
  2. Getting rejected for having insufficient experience; yet no opportunities abound to acquire said experience
  3. The entire job market

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