Sunday, August 25, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday August 23, 2024 - "IT FINALLY HAPPENED" Ed.

Highlights for the week

Epic Highlight of this week ... after waiting for nearly 2 weeks, the job offer came and it is official .. I have a job. Not just any job, but the job. I will be a Security Consultant Level-1. I presume that puts me one notch above absolute newb, but it also means I have to come correct. The opportunity is everything I want, stem to stern. Which is probably why I feel so terrified.

On the one hand, I've been spending the last 2 years of unemployment focused on pivoting out of QA. I never wanted to get into software testing, and was beginning to develop a long standing frustration for it. Automation was a great feather in the cap as it made me a little more employable. But there was an inner resentment that I just couldn't shake. My last employer was phenomenal beyond words. I worked with amazing people doing something really cool. The pay was perfect. That I was on placed on a PIP (for the 3rd time in my career) meant the job was headed in a direction incongruent with how it started. Security was always top-of-mind and made sure no matter what the role, it was included. I feel as prepared as I'll ever be in that regard.

On the other hand, I feel the onset of unpreparedness creeping in. Like I'm about to take a test and studied from the wrong book. There's a lot that I'm comfortable with, but there's a lot I still don't know. This is both exciting and terrifying. I'm not worried about failing. I'm worried I just won't perform to the expectation becoming the position. Which is incentivizing to really go hard and do better than ever.

In either case, I just don't want this to be Lucy pulling the proverbial football (opportunity) from me last minute. I want to crush this.

What We’re Grateful For

  1. It took 2 years of unemployment to finally come face-to-face with the stupid sh** I'd done for the past 15. I never imagined being grateful for being broke and without work, but these past 23 months taught me a lot more than any therapist ever could. My "Husb." story is the output of those lessons, where I am confronted with my own self, forced to own my failures, and finally fix the bugs in my personality. I have a ways to go, but I'm not the person I was 2 years ago. For that, I am grateful.

What We Loved

  1. Having a mentor was necessary. I wasn't leveraging him for a job, but that a job manifested itself by way of his connection was amazing! God put some amazing people in my path for a reason.
  2. The one big thing I loved about this entire experience was not caving in and losing my mind. I did have a near slip and was at my lowest. I sat at my desk and had a cry. Something I hadn't done since my grandma's funeral. I was down. I was done. I needed to purge all of that out and get my mind right. The video of that dude broke me. I pray he's in a much better place.

What We Learned

  1. GraphQL - I learned I was in way over my head. I tried to hop on testing Blue Apron's GQL site and found it a daunting task. Meeting with my mentor confirmed that.
  2. SQL - Near-complete with the modules, but I've come a long way towards refreshing a lot of what I had learned back in DeVry along with some new skills.
  3. Pen Testing - actually paused due to my new job. I'll probably revisit the learnings in the future.
  4. "Husb." - its at twilight. Have to face my 40s.

What We Longed For

  1. I can say with all joy, I've not longed for anything ... 'cept maybe a good wife! But that just might be a reflection of what I've been putting out. Time to fix that!!

What We Loathed

  1. The Job Market in 2024 - An absolute dumpster fire.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday August 16, 2024 - "Waiting & waiting & ... " Ed.

Highlights for the week

Follow up to my wonderful news from the week before, an offer letter that was promised would come my way is overdue by 5 days. Not mad, but definitely back down to earth as far as elation is concerned. I waited 15 years and 23 months for this life-changing opportunity. More on that as the news presents itself.

What We’re Grateful For

  1. Grateful for the news that I might be hired ... the opportunity is still a dream!
  2. Grateful for the U-test platform as it presented several amazing projects. More on the moderation below.
  3. Grateful for the opportunity to donate blood and help make a difference.

What We Loved

  1. Loved that the week went by with no more hostility between wife and I.
  2. Loved that Secure Ideas found me and considered me for employment.

What We Learned

  1. SQL - Nested queries. Super-behind the module due to more extenuating priorities.
  2. U-Test - took the brunt of my time as several projects came into my queue and kept me occupied for the better part of the week.
  3. Bug Bounties - paused!
  4. Automation Practice - paused!
  5. "Husb." - paused!

What We Longed For

  1. A paycheck, and more time.

What We Loathed

  1. U-test moderators were, without a doubt, the worst. The one TE never gave me the opportunity to contest issues. He simply discarded them w/o mention.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday August 9, 2024 - "Wonderful Day" Ed.

Highlights for the week


Indeed it has been an amazing week capped off by what is, quite practically, the most spectacular news ever. More on that as I get word, but we're not just talking a new chapter. It's a whole new book! And the opportunity this new phase brings means a lot about me has got to change for the better. So far, we're almost there with the consistency at the gym, decent eating, and discipline with studies. Now we have to focus on improving "me" and my relationship with everyone around me. The sacrifice was falling behind on a few personal projects.

What We’re Grateful For

  1. Grateful for the start of a brand new career path.
  2. Grateful to have had the means to stay above water. Credit card debt is through the roof, but it was a necessary evil.
  3. Grateful to have steaky meals, a comfy bed, and welcoming roof over my head. I pray this for all homeless and destitute peoples everywhere.

What We Loved

  1. Love that wife and I are at peace again. The raging fire is now a smoldering pile of ash. Need to stamp that out once and for all. New me!!
  2. Loved everything about my call on friday and having a mentor that put in a good word was just the right ticket for me to get on to a new path.

What We Learned

  1. U-Test - 2 new U-test cycles, 1 web, 1 mobile, both fun!
  2. Coursera - Need to revisit nested queries when I'm more alert. A little behind with this week's module.
  3. GraphQL - Superbehind. I need to block out Sunday or Monday just to finish. Otherwise, it's Tuesday.
  4. Bug Bounty - I finished Blue Apron last week, have yet to start another. NBD as the U-Test cycles took precedence.
  5. "Husb ..." another exciting chapter finished. Part III is fast approaching.

What We Longed For

  1. Nothing. I may have finally willed my good job, with awesome people, doing amazing things .. into existence.

What We Loathed

  1. Recruitment process is by-and-large, the worst it has ever been.
  2. Credit Card debt. I'm just to where I was with student loans, such is the necessity of keeping a roof over our heads.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday August 2, 2024 - "23 Months - Nòt Güd" Ed.

Highlights for the week

Celebrating the super-small wins this week, because lord knows! There haven't been many.

One such win: after some dedicated time, I've learned a bit more about testing Salesforce. In the midst of completing SQL refresher.

Need to quit procrastinating and finish the API Python test framework.

Another win - Finally started bug bounty journey. Gonna figure this thing out.

What We’re Grateful For

  1. Good health and SNAP
  2. Mom and sis
  3. Lorenzo being there in a pinch!

What We Loved

  1. The results of my PPL workout were amazing. If I had proper weights and a better diet, who knows. I modded the schedule a little and it worked.
  2. Loved the turn-around time from U-test onsite testing to getting paid. More to come

What We Learned

  1. Blue Apron Bug Bounty in effect; gonna take a stab at their GraphQL
  2. SQL Refresher - Learning the basics. Looking forward to the intermediate, then using python
  3. Salesforce - Finally found reliable content with which to learn the basics. Still need to learn how to test things
  4. Automation - paused!
  5. GraphQL - Finally understand how to elicit simple XSS attacks; Learned how to employ OWASP API Top 10 for queries; Need mentoring
  6. "Husb" - Chapter 30 and the showdowns are all but over. Peace and redemption on the horizon

What We Longed For

  1. A great job working with great people, making good $$/benefits, doing cool sh***
  2. Need to read more.
  3. Need to finally learn type script - maybe this is the week

What We Loathed

  1. U-Test .. but I blame myself, mostly
  2. Closing in on 23 months UE -- yikes!
  3. Rent is late; bills gonna be tight
  4. Nothing happing w. jobs
  5. Needing to borrow money from son - humiliating beyond words