Saturday, August 10, 2024

Security Testing Journal Entry | w/e Friday August 9, 2024 - "Wonderful Day" Ed.

Highlights for the week


Indeed it has been an amazing week capped off by what is, quite practically, the most spectacular news ever. More on that as I get word, but we're not just talking a new chapter. It's a whole new book! And the opportunity this new phase brings means a lot about me has got to change for the better. So far, we're almost there with the consistency at the gym, decent eating, and discipline with studies. Now we have to focus on improving "me" and my relationship with everyone around me. The sacrifice was falling behind on a few personal projects.

What We’re Grateful For

  1. Grateful for the start of a brand new career path.
  2. Grateful to have had the means to stay above water. Credit card debt is through the roof, but it was a necessary evil.
  3. Grateful to have steaky meals, a comfy bed, and welcoming roof over my head. I pray this for all homeless and destitute peoples everywhere.

What We Loved

  1. Love that wife and I are at peace again. The raging fire is now a smoldering pile of ash. Need to stamp that out once and for all. New me!!
  2. Loved everything about my call on friday and having a mentor that put in a good word was just the right ticket for me to get on to a new path.

What We Learned

  1. U-Test - 2 new U-test cycles, 1 web, 1 mobile, both fun!
  2. Coursera - Need to revisit nested queries when I'm more alert. A little behind with this week's module.
  3. GraphQL - Superbehind. I need to block out Sunday or Monday just to finish. Otherwise, it's Tuesday.
  4. Bug Bounty - I finished Blue Apron last week, have yet to start another. NBD as the U-Test cycles took precedence.
  5. "Husb ..." another exciting chapter finished. Part III is fast approaching.

What We Longed For

  1. Nothing. I may have finally willed my good job, with awesome people, doing amazing things .. into existence.

What We Loathed

  1. Recruitment process is by-and-large, the worst it has ever been.
  2. Credit Card debt. I'm just to where I was with student loans, such is the necessity of keeping a roof over our heads.

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