Highlights for the week
Welp, another mixed bag of highs and lows. The high: Made it past 2nd round of the interview for a Jr. Pentester Role (remote). Got tasked with submitting a bug report which was approved by my mentor. So stoked!! The low: Got the email stating it's going to take a few weeks as they're interviewing other candidates. I feel like I may have bombed the interview somehow. Perhaps it was getting the motto wrong (I was thinking of something relevant to the example they wanted me to give and I blurted out the wrong thing .. so stupid!). There may have been a few other missteps (probably) as nerves got the better of me. Overall, the job search sucks and this is the closest I've come to an opportunity in the direction I want for a new career. QA roles are drying up.
The other low is that I'm coming up on 11.5 months w/o work. By far the longest stretch ever! I will be cleaned of money by mid-September if I don't land something a.s.a.p.
What We Loved
- Another week came and went. Got to "shoot my shot" with a Security Company job. Hoping for the best, but anticipating the worst. Trying not to get to caught up in the excitement.
What We Learned
- The priority was Security Jr. Pentester job intreview. Learning a lot about Pen Test Process & Reporting
- Security+ - Finished the module on Mobile Security. Up next, Cloud Security
- Cult.ure - Great progress on latest chapter. Not complete, but character development in progress.
- TCM - Finshed all the modules. Going through the 2-star test scenarios on Juice Shop. I'll try to make my way through the 3s maybe 4s.
What We Longed For
- As always ... need a job, paycheck, and benefits.
What We Loathed
- The whole interview process. It's just too much!