Highlights for the week
First 30 days in cybersecurity done and I've learned a quite a bit. The process of testing (from scope to reporting), and following up with clients is fundamental to consulting. I participated in my first desktop pen test which was interesting. The lead moved faster than I anticipated, but I did the best I could to capture what I could as far as notes.
What We’re Grateful For
- Having an awesome job with great people. Always learning something new week to week.
- Grateful there's still money available for food. This is helping offset the large bills coming my way
- As always, my gratitude for family and friends will never go unmentioned.
What We Loved
- Everything about the job so far. Need to keep to the commitment of doing well, asking questions, and tracking my work. I won't repeat the mistakes of the past.
What We Learned
- CISSP - last week: Business Continuity, Disaster Response Planning, and more.
- CISSP - this week: (playing catch-up) Criminal investigation, Cryptography, Code of Ethics / ISC2 Code of Conduct, and more.
What We Longed For
- As always, more time. Balancing time with priorities is proving a challenge. But waking up at 5am to start the week has been rewarding.
What We Loathed
- Nada!